Time to kill… projects to conquer

20 02 2010

I have had so many things I have wanted to do and this weekend have the time and am overwhelmed!

I am excited that I will FINALLY be doing some bigger projects for my office/etsy room. I run two businesses out of that room which requires two separate work stations. Not easy to have good aesthetics and be fully functional. So, here is the plan: The plan has taken like a year to figure out.

A. Cover wall in gray fabric. This has nothing to do with function, but it makes me happy.

B. Paint Emeco Table from 1949. Bottom will be Yellow (I think…) and white on top. This will look great (in theory) against the gray wall. I wouldn’t have to paint it if someone on craigslist had bought it! Don’t you even get mad at me!

C. Move 1970s industrial desk (painted blue by my man) under the bookshelfs which have a similar industrial feel.

D. Incorporate nature inspired art and objects… considering a fake plant to my shame.  Or the over done sticks in a vase bit.

These will only be accomplished through tremendous amounts of coffee and my Yeah Yeah Yeah station on Pandora.

My inspiration for the room (in the way of color and shapes)

I love the green and blue and yellow combo…. perfection!

Nature element

Okay. Now that I have typed everything I should be doing, I am going to do something else: try to figure out the placement of the pockets on my navy jeans so I am no longer Stacie-Long-Butt when I wear them!

Should I really sell these?

19 12 2009

I was prepared to give these up.. but the Metallic Top and the Skirts I am struggling with. I just have to keep reminding myself that I don’t wear skirts very much and that means that I should allow others to have them. Well, I hope you get a chance to own these lovely tops and skirts before I change my mind!

Click on the pictures to go straight to the item in my shop or clip HERE to go directly to my Online Vintage Clothing Store

Blue. Green. Coral. Gray.

17 12 2009

You can click on the pictures to go straight to the item or HERE to go to my shop!

Have a blessed Christmas!

Sneak Peek and Fresh and Easy Review

10 12 2009

Just finished a shopping spree in Pomona which left me so excited I had to post a Preview of what is to come!

So, after being convinced that I was going to be mugged in the parking lot of the Salvation Army I got my treasures to the car, jumped in and then hauled my booty out of the parking lot. I only venture there rarely as they don’t always carry much good vintage. It’s sad but true… I still heart the Salvation Army Thrift Stores.

Here’s a few peices… I would have added more, but the photos came out pretty bad.

I have about 6 tops, 1 leather jacket and a dress waiting for me to pick up tomorrow… Maybe I’ll do a quick posts so you can see the fruits of my labor.

Part 2: Fresh and Easy Review.

LOVE IT! Why? A few simple reasons: Great packaging of products, they look so appealing to me, They carry Pesto, they clearance out their bread super cheap! I am talking RoseMary Rolls for 65 cents!

Issue: The check out, I was asked 3 times if I needed help working the self-check out scanner so I must really look like a dunce or something. But I did enjoy grouping together the different foods in the bags.

Part 3: Hair Cut on Saturday:



Dainty Vintage Tops

14 11 2009

I am in love with these pieces added into my shop today! Living in California I am constantly in jeans and looking for easy ways to add some effortless feminine pieces to my wardrobe. These are perfect to add that girly spice to your day.




To see more Vintage Tops Click HERE

Happiness is My New White Vintage Table

13 11 2009

Oh, the joy that this brings me!

We bought a Hutch, set of matching danish chairs… oh, and a HUGE UGLY table that was thrown in with the other two items off of craigslist. For 9 months I have been staring at the hideous beast every day. Finally we got around to selling it on craigslist and I purchased a beat up ugly table for $7 from the thrift store.

Two months after that (I move slow) I went with my hubby to pick out paint and actually remembered to buy all the needed supplies. I waited until he had left (I work best when he is gone because the fun in the painting is to be able to suprise him when he gets home!) then painted 3 thin layers of primer and 4 coats of brilliant white paint.

I then dug into my fabric stash for some fabric he and I had picked up a year ago in LA and never figured out what to do with. I wasn’t really sold on it, but we had some people come by to pick up our danish sofa and the two of them plus Lee decided it’s a good combo…. Stacie-1+ Lee-3= Stacie Looses =(


So, once I find my staple gun that he bought me for valentines day I will attach the fabric… Also, I am drying some coats on the chairs… so ignore those.


The Danish Sofa we just sold:


here’s a link to the blog of the new owner… she was a super sweet girl and also a seller on Etsy.

My Sofa

Her Shop

The Value of a Vintage Sweater

13 11 2009

Ah, the Art of the Sweater. In my opinion, one can never and I mean NEVER have enough Vintage Sweaters. They add a unique touch to what you are wearing no matter what the season it is. The same sweater can take you from a lovely layered look in winter to thrown over a swimsuit in summer. Plus when complimented who doesn’t love to respond “Thanks. It’s Vintage.” Or maybe that’s just me…




Take the time to browse MY SHOP for new sweaters to fill your wardrobe.

New VINTAGE DRESS (ES) 60s, 70s, 80s..

30 09 2009







Vintage for my Home

15 01 2009

My husband and I have been hunting far and wide on craigslist and in thrift stores to create our new home: We have two industrial desks from the 70s for our home office, he will be refinishing them and I hope to post photos of the projects before and after. My dearly Beloved is driving to Venice Beach to hopefully pick up a danish mid century couch which we will also be refinishing and reupholstering . But we have some fun decorations that I wanted to share. All purchased at thrift stores.

First my MAGNIFICENT Will Barnet Limited edition poster from 1978!! I walked by this in a thift shop and immediately and gleefully bought it and put it in my car. I just found out today  that it’s worth a pretty penny because it’s signed in pencil =) I am very excited because my hubby and I commited to trying to only buy things which go up in value and I really did it well on this one: Best $19.99 I ever spent!



The one problem with it being worth money is I was hoping I could get on ebay and find numerous prints by him that I could afford because I loved it so much. Oh well, guess I will have to save to get one now.. bum deal.

Other randoms including more coffee cups and also an awesome inspector gadget “Vase”img_0136img_0135



If my hubby gets the couch then I will try to post before and after photos of it too!

Creative Genius Turned Madness

10 12 2008

Amazing Day. Flat-Out amazing.

1st I made photoshop work and do double photos for my shop…. like so…

il_fullxfull48702194You can actually buy this dress by clicking on this link

2nd I washed the dishes, put them in the dishwasher and as soon as it was done running the cycle I put them away. The dishwasher is empty!

3rd I went for almost 24 hours with no processed sugar- and I lived to tell!

I just had a very benficial conversation with my Friend Ione. I described my plans for bedding for my new apartment and as I went on and on about how I was going to buy a tapestry from urban outfitters and make a duvet cover out of it because it was screenprinted with cool clocks and the variety of pillows and colors I would incorporate…. when she brought up a good point. That was very far from my original simplistic plan of beige and gray bedding with a lavender pillow. I think my creative genius turned quickly into madness and I need to reign myself in again.  Everything in my house does not need a personalized touch by me.  Especially since that means that none of it will get done and then I’ll be crying and buy some cheap crap because I have given up.

Next paragraph….

I am now trying to post handmade items daily or as I complete them. I am still testing to see what will sell and what my cliental will be demanding of me.

The first peice sold in a few hours so I think I am on the right track. I’ll keep plugging away and hopefully will be going to LA for some fabric really soon.

SOLD today:

il_430xn48706955the link for more details: click these blue words

Well, that was sure fun. I’ll type at you again soon!